[EN] 500 Gb of netlabel music! + eldino’s Netlabel Releases Guide (free pdf) now out!


My personal collection of tagged/organized netlabel music passed the 500 Gb mark 🙂 Woah! 🙂 This is a great goal for me, because I spend tons of hours/week fixing, tagging, listening and rating music files, so I want to celebrate 🙂

So… Ladies and Gentlemen… the first edition of my “Netlabel Releases Guide” is out! It contains every single song of my collection and for every release it shows all the informations you can desire of: artist name, track title, album title with release code, track number, duration, genre and my personal ratings (from 1 to 5 stars).

You can think about eldino’s Netlabel Releases Guide as the Yellow Pages of netaudio scene 🙂
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